City of Pasco

The New Logo

From the beginning, we worked closely with the City of Pasco to develop a meaningful and inclusive logo. The final mark was an evolution of the old city logo and its beloved shield mark. We modernized the logo to bring in elements of diversity and landmarks, to create a perfect blend of old with new.


Our Process


In order to understand the essence of the city of Pasco, our team of researchers conducted a city wide survey to be sent out to the city’s residents, conducted stake holder interviews, as well as put together focus groups and an ambassador to help glean insights that would play a large role in guiding the creation of the new and improved logo.



BrandCraft worked brought a unique approach to the logo design process. It was a multi-lingual approach of fact finding, open-houses, citizen involvement and a local ambassador group that went through the design process with our city representatives.


Design Process

We took those perceptions from the city surveys and began the Creative Process. This is where it all comes together. Learn how our team transformed community feedback into logos, and how we narrowed down to the final one.



What happens to designs that don't make the cut? Get the behind-the-scenes from our CEO Torey as he talks us through the final three designs for the City of Pasco logo.